XXXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter

XXXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2020) will be held at the Cheget pension, which is situated on Polyana Cheget, Terskol village, which is a part of the municipal formation “Elbrus settlement”, in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic of the Russian Federation, from Friday, March 1, to Wednesday, March 6, 2020.

The technical focus of the conference is on physical properties of matter under extreme conditions at high pressures and temperatures as well as on physics of phenomena arising at high energy densities. Invited plenary talks and contributed presentations in oral and poster sessions are planed. The conference will provide for the possibility of non-formal discussions, communications and co-operations.


XXXVII Fortov International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2022)

General Information

XXXVII Fortov International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2022) will be held online and (if the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic will allow) onsite in the Cheget pension, which is situated on Polyana Cheget, Terskol village, which is a part of the municipal formation “Elbrus settlement”, in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic of the Russian Federation, from Tuesday, March 1, to Sunday, March 6, 2022.

Conference Focus

The technical focus of the conference is on physical properties of matter under extreme conditions at high pressures and temperatures as well as on physics of phenomena arising at high energy densities. Invited plenary talks and contributed presentations in oral and poster sessions are planed. The conference will provide for the possibility of non-formal discussions, communications and co-operations.

Conference Language

The conference language is English.



XVI Всероссийский симпозиум по горению и взрыву

XVI Всероссийский симпозиум по горению и взрыву, Суздаль, 4-9 сентября 2022 г.

Cимпозиум  посвящен памяти академика В.Е. Фортова.

Тематика симпозиума охватывает широкий спектр вопросов от фундаментальных проблем физики и химии горения и взрыва, промышленных, технологических процессов на основе горения и взрыва до проблем безопасности и экологии.

На симпозиум приглашаются ученые из России и других стран. Рабочие языки симпозиума — русский и английский.



Тематика симпозиума

«Фундаментальные вопросы физики горения и взрыва»:

  • Термодинамика горения и взрыва, кинетика химических превращений в процессах горения и взрыва;
  • Ударные волны, горение и детонация в конденсированных средах, свойства вещества при высоких давлениях и температурах;
  • Макрокинетика и газодинамика реагирующих систем, научные основы самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза;
  • Математическое моделирование процессов физики горения и взрыва;
  • Методы экспериментальной диагностики быстропротекающих процессов в реагирующих средах.

«Прикладные аспекты науки о процессах горения и взрыва»:

  • Горение в авиационных, ракетных и поршневых двигателях;
  • Научные основы промышленного применения процессов горения и взрыва;
  • Наука о горении в интересах обеспечения пожарной безопасности;
  • Научное обеспечение промышленной безопасности производств, занятых разработкой, производством и применением ВМ.






XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter

XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (ELBRUS 2017) will be held at the Educational-Scientific Base of KBSU in Elbrus settlement, in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic of the Russian Federation, from Tuesday, March 1, to Sunday, March 6, 2017.
The technical focus of the conference is on physics of phenomena arising from the interaction of intense energy fluxes with condensed matter, as well as on physical properties of matter under extreme conditions at high pressures and temperatures. Invited plenary talks and contributed presentations in oral and poster sessions are planed.

